comes from the same world as the Smurfs, Tin Tin, Little
Miss and Mister Men, Saturday Morning Cartoons, and other
pop culture directed at children but written for adults.
Detailing the bizarre adventures of a dog-sized yellow Peep,
Pipu is nothing but wonderful candy for your brain. But
unlike normal candy, it doesnt rot your teeth. Pipu
is vitamin fortified so you come away from reading it feeling
hyper like a crazy little kid. Pipu is the creation of Sean
and Katie Äaberg.
No.1 through No.14 were printed half-digest size, or 4.25
x 5.5 inches. Issues in Series Two were printed digest size,
or 8.5 x 5.5 inches.
any of the cover images below for a closer look and a peek
at a few inside pages.
note that this series has been discontinued and that issues
of Pipu are unavailable for purchase.

No.1: One
day in North Oakland, Sean and Katie decided to go on an
adventure. So begins the story of Pipu, a little Easter
chick rescued from the Super Big Store and brought to a
chicken coop on top of an apartment building in Oakland.
** This issue is sold out **

No.2, Pipus Moustache: Pipus
shopping trip takes her to The Art of War game store in
Oakland, where Pipu meets Fritz and Eric. Pipu falls in
love with Erics moustache so much that she gets one
of her own. Check out the surprise ending!
** This issue is sold out **

No.3, The Little Peach Pipu: When the Evil
Bot steals all of North Oaklands Aquababies, Pipu
goes on a mission to save them! Along the way she meets
three new friends and learns the valuable lessons of teamwork
and sharing samosas.
** This issue is sold out **

No.4, Pipus Antarctic Adventure: Sean
and Katie send Pipu to Antarctica so she can learn about
other cultures. Pipu meets the Penguin Brothers, who teach
her English and how to play video games, skills that come
in handy when the leopard seal attacks!
** This issue is sold out **

No.5, Pipus Halloween Treat: Its
Pipus first Halloween as she meets the ghost of Tony
Maggot, a smallish, bescarfed fellow who used to live in
Pipus room. Sean and Katie are incredulous until they
meet Tony and discover his special skill. Includes safety
** This issue is sold out **

No.6, A Thanksgiving Carol: Pipu is visited
by four ghosts on Thanksgiving, who show her all she has
to be thankful for. Our little yellow hero is taken on Dickensian
trips to Thanksgivings past, present, and future. Comes
with a food pyramid and activities.
** This issue is sold out **

No.7, The Last Pipu of the Century: Millennium
fever is running rampant throughout North Oakland, and Pipu
stocks up on water and canned turnips in preparation for
the end of the world. This issue perfectly captures the
insanity of Y2K, and offers rational safety tips.
** This issue is sold out **

No.8, Under Pipus Bed: There is a
magical land under Pipus bed! Pipu discovers a secret
door and learns where Aquababies come from. The strange
inhabitants of this new world give Pipu a crystal sombrero
as a momento of her trip.
** This issue is sold out **

No.9, The Flower Peep: Sean and Katie get
married, and Pipu is the flower girl! Pipu has three glasses
of champagne and asks everyone she meets to marry her. They
all refuse, until the bouquet toss! Whos the lucky
** This issue is sold out **

No.10, Pipu and the Gypsy: When Pipu dons
her crystal sombrero, she sees a frightening visionthe
Starmen are coming! Sean and Katie take Pipu to the gypsy
fortuneteller Madame Goldschneider, who confirms their worst
** This issue is sold out **

No.11, Pipus Birthday!: As a birthday
treat, Sean and Katie take Pipu to Phil and Nicks
farm to meet her brothers and sisters. But when they get
there, things arent quite what the trio expected them
to be. Part one of a three-part saga!
** This issue is sold out **

No.12, Pipus Birthday Part Two: Pipus
search for her beginnings takes her to the monastery, and
then to Easter Island, where she meets a tribe of Peeps
just like her! Pipus origin is revealed, and she must
make a very important decision.
** This issue is sold out **

No.13, Pipus Birthday Part Three:
It is time for Pipu to choose between her tribe on Easter
Island and her little coop in Oakland. Sean and Katie anxiously
await her answer, only to be interrupted by the Superbigstore
slave ship! Holy smokes!
** This issue is sold out **

No.14, Perfect Memory: Acting as a sort
of yearbook for the series, Perfect Memory recounts
all the adventures of Pipu and her friends. Its a
great introduction for newcomers and a walk down memory
lane for longtime Pipu readers.
** This issue is sold out **

Series Two, Issue One
Pipu and the Lake Monster: When Seans
civic-minded Mom encourages Pipu to do something for the
community, Pipu responds in a big way! This issue answers
the question What if Pipu, Jerry Brown, and a lake
monster fought a battle royale? Yikes!
** This issue is sold out **

Series Two, Issue Two
Pipu-Ra vs. Mechaevilbotizor: The Evil Bot
has grown to giant size, and hes stealing the Aquababies!
Pipu rounds up her friends to defeat him, but the Bot is
too strong. All hope is lost, until Pipu meets some very
little Peeps from Pipu Island. Enter Pipu-Ra!
** This issue is sold out **