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Independent Publisher Magazine awarded The Museum of Lost Wonder the Gold Medal for “Best Graphic Novel, Drama/Documentary!” (award site)

On this page we will be posting reviews of The Museum of Lost Wonder, as well as comments about the book by noted authorities on wonder.

Brian Froud
“A celebration of the human mind. A quirky, graphical telling of the story of everything and ourselves as the principal actors in its drama. A cabinet of curiosities brimming with marvels, astonishments, and revelations. Consistently wise in its recognition that humor is the gateway to the profound, and how beer has shaped the major philosophies of the world. For all you seekers of truth, this book is better than a pair of transcendent socks, wiser than an oracular muffin and more entertaining than a whistling oyster.” (Author Website)

Publishers Weekly
(Starred Review) “This is a book to linger over; it gradually
reveals itself as a sly philosophical meditation on human consciousness, bringing in concepts from Tibetan Buddhism and quantum physics.” (Full review)

Robert Sabuda
“This informative guide, with its sharp graphic illustrations and hands-on activities to stimulate the imagination, presents a fresh way to approach many of the oldest questions pondered by mankind.” (Author Website)

San Francisco Chronicle
The Museum of Lost Wonder
opens up a new category of intellectual entertainment. It will appeal to the young because it contains the makings of seven models [and] it will captivate adults by providing inroads to profound questions that come naturally to children.” (Full review)

Utne Reader Online
“You don't have to be a medieval explorer to uncover the mysteries of eras past—or to use those discoveries to delve deeper into your own subconscious depths. In The Museum of Lost Wonder, due out in August from Weiser Books, Jeff Hoke has crafted a visual milieu of scientific theory and philosophical debate, from mapping the big bang theory to asking, ‘What is reality?’ Pull-out pages bordering each chapter (named after museum wings) engage readers’ imaginations, begging them to snip, paste, and play as they build models of everything from the ‘Path of Destiny Peep Show’ to a ‘Theater of the Mind.’” —Kristen Mueller

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