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The Mentalism Connection

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If you have read this far, you know that aether is a substance that permeates all things in reality, a material that can be manipulated mentally, by force of will, to various ends, the practice of which is called mentalism. The types of feats described in the “Sculptor's Studio” visualization could be defined as telekinetic in nature (as in telekinesis, the ability to move material objects using thought). But telekinesis is only one of the many abilities at the mentalist’s disposal.

The Camelopard will instruct aspirants in three of the mentalist’s most common uses of aether, namely psychisms, astral projection, and spiritism. Introductions to each of these disciplines are offered here, and future numbers of The Camelopard will dissect each in detail.

Humans perceive the world around them with five senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. Mentalists share these senses with untrained (also called “mundane”) humans, but whereas mundanes are limited to their human range of sense — seeing only the things in front of them, hearing only the sounds within earshot — mentalists can perceive at a much greater distance, depending upon their level of mastery. Clairvoyance (remote viewing) and clairaudience (remote hearing) are the most common types of remote sensing, but many mentalists develop remote senses of taste, touch, and smell.

Conduct this simple experiment. Sit facing across the table from a friend. Close your eyes while your friend holds his hand before you with any number of fingers extended. Guess how many fingers your friend is holding up. Chances are that you cannot correctly guess the number, because you cannot see your friend’s hand. Try again. Still no luck? Wouldn't it amaze both you and your friend if you could guess the number not once, but ten consecutive times? A well-developed sense of clairvoyance makes this feat not only possible, but likely.

By using aether in various ways, mentalists can perform astonishing psychic feats. Mentalists develop their psychisms through practice with cards and daily work with meditation and visualization. Mental powers like extrasensory perception (ESP), telekinesis, and mind reading all come from the aetheric plane. All the known psychisms will be explored in detail later.

Astral Projection
The aetheric plane is not a mere static, duplicate universe of our own. It is an active, changing place of great possibility. Things impossible on the material plane are commonplace on the aetheric plane.

By expelling and solidifying a portion of his own aether, a mentalist creates an aetheric or “astral” body that can move freely in this world and the Others. This body is much like the “aetheric body” you used in the exercise on page 18. Using an astral body, the mentalist can travel to places that are inaccessible or dangerous to the physical body. Who needs a spaceship when you can travel to the moon without help from anything but your own mind?

Astral projection is perhaps the most dynamic use of aether. Mentalists can use astral projection to dive to the bottom of the ocean or to fly to the next star. Practicing astral projection takes much work, and involves complex visualization and yogic study, but the freedom that comes with mastery of this study is without equal.

Other uses of astral projection combine with psychisms, enabling clairvoyance, telekinesis, teleportation, and other stupendous feats. The Camelopard will guide you through each of these practices step by step, and the editor looks forward to printing results of any remarkable experiences you may have with them.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to talk to the spirits of those who have died? Perhaps you have attended a séance or used a ouija board to attempt such a communication. What happened when you did?

Did you know that it is possible to contact the spirits of the dead via the aetheric plane? Mentalists tap into the realm of the dead during individual and group séances. This study is called spiritism, and is a highly controversial topic among mentalists and mundanes alike.

The beings you contact in the spirit world are made of the same material that moves the planchette across your ouija board or that settles your tea leaves at the bottom of your cup. That material is aether. The belief held by many mentalists — that as our souls, when disembodied, subsequently inhabit the spirit world (and as these spirits may be contacted by means of mentalism), so then our souls themselves are constructed of aether — has caused no end of debate.

But the disembodied spirits of the dead are not the only aetheric beings available for conversation by means of spiritism. Other aetherics dwell or travel on the aetheric plane as well, be they the aetheric aspects of mentalists practicing astral projection, or manifestations of powerful thought and emotion that have taken on an independent, rudimentary existence (poltergeists), or even the secret, invisible masters that have dwelt exclusively on the aetheric plane for all eternity, guiding and mentoring aspirants and accomplished mentalists alike. You will learn to talk to them all.

Each of these disciplines has a distinct set of regimens to be followed for best results. In the future, The Camelopard will devote individual pamphlets to psychisms, astral projection, and spiritism.

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