Mother Chûn |
first full day in England was spent exploring several
of Cornwalls mystery sites. Before setting out we
discussed local lore with Andrew as we ingested our first
English breakfast, a delicious monstrosity I will describe
later. Our first stop was at Chûn Quoit, a seven-foot-tall
stone hut situated on a hilltop near Trehyllys Farm. We
drove in through the barnyard and parked the car before
hiking up the hillside. We met a woman on the trail, and
she guided us to the site and talked with us briefly before
leaving. I snapped a few photos before getting an awesome
urge to crawl inside this intriguing formation. It wasnt
easy going, what with the opening less than two feet across.
Inside, I sat and wondered how and why Chûn came
to be, and who would have cobbled together this stone
mushroom. Was it built by a group of astronomers seeking
to make a calendar? A local shaman or wizard who needed
a home? Spriggans (Cornish giants) playing a game of stone
After ten minutes of speculation I was no closer to an
answer than when Id started, so I decided to leave
the Quoit. This too proved difficult, requiring me to
lie on my back and kick and drag myself out. I paused
about a third of the way out and stared up at the fifteen-ton
stone above me. It was then and there, with each of my
arms holding on to the massive thigh-like stones on either
side of my, that the meaning of Chûn hit me. This
was a birth experience! I called Jeff over to tell him,
then pulled and kicked the rest of my body into the sunlight.
Jeff clambered in for his go-round, and I stood staring
at the stones. One minute later I was bawling my head
off, overwhelmed by the full force of Mother Chûn.
I cried for a good five minutes, paused, then cried some
more. I felt nothing but Connectedness and Love and it
was then that I believe my journey truly began.
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