page is something of an adjunct to the regular Wonderella
Recommends page, made up of synopses of recent acquisitions
from our favorite publishers. We heartily encourage you
to seek out the pamphlets shown here, as they are guaranteed
to bring additional light to your summer and cheer to
your heart.
see all the Wonderella recommendations, please follow
the links here:
2002: The Best of the Independent Press
2003: Summer Reads
2004: Mystical England
2006: The Old Ways Are Best
on the cover images for a closer look.

Rebellious No.1: Sean
Goblin returns to form in this marvelous new series. Sean
is a bit of a land-based culture sponge, and his self-imposed
exile from the land of punk five years ago saw him wend
his way through several strange kingdoms of art and philosophy,
sopping up the best ideas and expunging the dross. The
first issue of Binocular Rebellious tells this tale and
outlines Seans fantasy-fueled dream of the free-thinking,
cider-soaked utopia that lurks beneath the cynical crust
coating the soul of each and every one of us.
only thing square about Binocular Rebellious is its shape
of 5.5 x 5.5 inches. Single issues are $2.00 for U.S.
residents. Foreign readers add a buck.
P.O. Box 12044
Eugene, Oreg. 97440
of Sean Goblins art and ideas can be found at the

Terrascope No.33: The Ptolemaic Terrascope is Britains
best resource for exciting, mind-altering music. This
new issue features a bright orange-on-silver cover by
Timothy Renner that must be seen in person to be believed.
Inside are interviews with the Magic Bands Rockette
Morton, Lol Coxhill, and Texas rockers The Golden Dawn,
among others. Faren Miller recalls a series of Quicksilver
Messenger Service shows from 1966, and Windy Weber (of
Windy and Carl) recounts the happenings at last year's
Terrastock festival, held in Boston. Includes an unmissable
CD full of great pop, psych, and jazz.
information for The Ptolemaic Terrascope can be found
on the Wonderella
Recommends page.

Cunningham Amendment Vol.5, No.3: This Yorkshire pamphlet
series can't be beat for its iconoclastic outlook and
wonderful production. The Anarcrisps take to task authority,
the educational system, the self-defeating worship of
speed and efficiency, social security, and all number
of other systems that rob us of our humanity and increase
our dependence on the government.
parties may read excerpts from the two most recent issues
of this profound series:
5, Number 2 and Volume
5, Number 3.
information for The Cunningham Amendment can be found
on the Wonderella
Recommends page.

Free Press Death Ship No.3: Violet Jones returns with
another volley of cannon fire aimed straight at the heart
of the corporate media. The Death Ship's letters and articles
trumpet the end of intellectual freedom, yet the reviews
of hundreds of independent publications prove that the
voice of the free press is far from squelched.
issue of the Death Ship includes an article on the history
of the ISBN, a profile of B. Traven (author of the novel
from which Jones magazine takes its name), and the
second half of an enlightening interview with Fred Woodworth,
publisher of The Match.
information for The Free Press Death Ship can be found
on the Wonderella
Recommends page.