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Adapted from
Guide to Lost Wonder No.9

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In the Garden
Coagulatio is typified by the story of the Garden of Eden, the mythical place where humans first appeared on earth. Eden signifies an original state of innocence and the loss of innocence that ensued. Here was a very rich, perfect world where we had everything.

The human soul found freedom in Eden, but was faced with choices, something we don't usually associate with heaven. With choice comes responsibility for our actions. On earth we balance the two lest our lives get out of control. Responsibility grounds us and we know right from wrong—or at least we think we do.

Our guilt and self-doubt dwell in the mysterious underground caves beneath Coagulatio. In this deep, dark place we learn from our mistakes and we evolve as individuals. The original muses lived in caverns, and it's in these dim spaces we get our inspiration. The muses don’t call to us from an ethereal place on high, but from somewhere deep down inside us.

Explore “Coagulatio”
Coagulatio Home
Psychology: Making “Sense”
Science: Like a Fish Out of Water
Myth: In the Garden
Art: Cor Verum Terra

Thought: A Walk in the Park

More about
Guide to Lost Wonder

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