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Adapted from
Guide to Lost Wonder No.9

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Like a Fish Out of Water
In the timeline of science, Coagulatio relates to the era when life evolved on land, when fins became feet and the gravity of the situation became more important than ever. When those early amphibians’ skin and lungs hardened to the point where they could live life entirely out of the water, they faced a weird new world with air above and solid ground beneath.

Not all the new land dwellers stuck to the surface world. Some preferred crawling around in the damp and dark recesses of the earth, holing up in shadowy caves and living a life very different from their counterparts above ground.

Hidden from the sunshine and their neighbors’ prying eyes, these communities of creatures grew stranger and stranger as they adapted to life in the inner world. To a certain extent, people behave this way today.

Questions to Ask Yourself
Do you act a certain way around your friends but differently in the company of strangers?

Have you ever acted a little strange when you were in the dark or when you thought no one was watching?

Explore “Coagulatio”
Coagulatio Home
Psychology: Making “Sense”
Science: Like a Fish Out of Water
Myth: In the Garden
Art: Cor Verum Terra

Thought: A Walk in the Park

More about
Guide to Lost Wonder

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