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Adapted from
Guide to Lost Wonder No.9

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A Walk in the Park

Take a walk in the park and notice all the life around you, from the birds in the air to the insects at your feet, every leaf and blade of grass between your toes. Let the sun shine on your face and breathe in the fresh air. You share the air and the sunlight with everything in the park.

There’s a fee we pay to be a part of this web of life. Unless you’re a plant, being alive means taking life, too. If this makes you feel guilty, that's okay. Be grateful for your guilt, because it implies not only a responsibility, but also a connectedness to the world around you. In the great big park we all call home, none of us are alone.

Explore “Coagulatio”
Coagulatio Home
Psychology: Making “Sense”
Science: Like a Fish Out of Water
Myth: In the Garden
Art: Cor Verum Terra

Thought: A Walk in the Park

More about
Guide to Lost Wonder

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